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Friday, November 29, 2013

The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street

Paramount has released two new trailer for film The Wolf of Wall Street directed by Martin Scorsese, Adapted from Jordan Belfort memoir issued in 1990. Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese meet for the fifth time ,DiCaprio plays the role of Jordan Belfort
, the man who rode the wave of the huge rise in Wall Street and made ​​big profits , but they cause the loss of life between the drug and the bustling life and luxury and caused by his vast wealth . Beside him and Kyle Chandler plays the role of the FBI agent . Jonah Hill plays the role of a close friend and partner of Belfort in the work that seduced Belfort to resign from his job in the field of furniture and works in the world of the stock market. While Matthew McConaughey play Mark Hanna head Belfort and former teacher . Jean Ditjordan plays the role of a Swiss bank was involved in laundering illicit funds for the company. For women's side is led by Margot Robbie , who plays wife Nadine Belfort , and finally the role of John Bernthal a drug dealer and money launderers .
The film comes at a time celebrate the director of the great and one of the most prominent filmmakers throughout the ages Martin Scorsese over six decades since he began the work, during which many works of timeless most important of Goodfellas and Taxi Driver and Mean Streets and Raging Bull and Casino and all of the star big and friend old Robert De Niro. Also collaborated with the star Leonardo DiCaprio in 5 of the most important movies the young star was beginning with Gangs of New York and then go in both The Aviator and Shutter Island and The Departed , and finally The Wolf of Wall Street.


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