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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Seven Pounds | Very Emotional Film |

This is a film which you have to watch for an hour wondering what the hell is happening, then the real reasons for what your seeing are explained. Believe me it's worth the wait.
The storyline is hard to figure out at first, as we follow Will Smith's character, Ben, drifting in and out of the lives of 7 strangers. Why? At first we have no idea.

But that's the point. Only he knows why, and only he knows the plan that's formulated in his head. These strangers are all people who aren't living easy lives though, this much is clear. Another thing that's clear: there's a tragic event in Ben's past, one that he's struggling to get to grips with. And the manner in which the whole "mystery" comes together and ties the strangers to Ben, is one of the most satisfying emotional journeys I've ever been on.
The performances are all well above average, but this is Smith's film from start to finish. The roller-coaster of emotions that cant etch on his face at any given time are truly remarkable, as he once again show his full acting range and proves himself more than just an "action star".
I can admit, I definitly shed a few tears , And I certainly rate this as the most saddest film I've ever seen.

I wish will keeps bringing out more of these kinds of films. Genius film, genius actor.


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